Tag Archives: savior

Birth Announcement of Jesus Given to Shepherds

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The fullness of time had come, when God would send forward His Son, made of a woman, and made under the law; and it was predicted that he would be born at Bethlehem. Now, here is an account of the time, place, and shape of it.

God chose to announce Jesus’ arrival to the Shepherds because they were plain men, like Jacob, Moses, and David; and by this occasion, God showed that He still had favor for those of that kind of modest job. In my opinion, the chief priests weren’t ready to hear this kind of news. The shepherds were more open-minded to hear about this and were unencumbered by a ritualistic lifestyle as the holy men.

The angel of the Lord frightened the shepherds. Understandably so. I would be frightened to be approached in this way as well. Who knows, I could faint from the experience, likely. Throughout scripture people who were approached by angels fell on their faces in fear. The angel always had to say, “Do not be afraid” to calm them and have them be able to hear the message.

But, new of Jesus’ birth. The long-awaited savior. Wowza! What an exciting time!

I think that God can use people for His plan no matter how low or high up the ladder you are in society. He wants to reach every living soul.

God’s great plan is amazing and incomprehensible to me. It’s so behind my mind. I do know that He wants a relationship with each of us. Without a savior, God can not have a relationship with us. Why? Because we are sinners. We needed a savior to obtain forgiveness of sin. God can not be in the presence of sin. It’s evil and he can not deal with evil. He’s the opposite of evil. It’s like oil and water. They do not mix. They naturally separate.

Are you separated from God? Through Jesus, the Savior, you can be joined with God. You can have the most amazing relationship ever with God. If you want to contact me (click the link to open the contact page =~>) here. I’ll pray with you and share the Gospel to guide you leading you to God.

So, the Savior, Jesus! What do you think? Imagine yourself as a shepherd and the experience. What do you think it would be like? How would you be affected?


Thank You, Yahweh. I praise, honor, glorify, and adore You. I pray that the readers of this blog also thank You. I pray they see You for who You are, for what You’ve done for them, and how much You love them and want a relationship with them. Thank You for the gift of salvation through a savior, Jesus. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Place of Honor


To put this scripture into perspective we need to see the context of it here; in Acts 5: 29-32.

It says this:
29 But Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than any human authority. 30 The God of our ancestors raised Jesus from the dead after you killed him by hanging him on a cross. 31 Then God put him in the place of honor at his right hand as Prince and Savior. He did this so the people of Israel would repent of their sins and be forgiven. 32 We are witnesses of these things and so is the Holy Spirit, who is given by God to those who obey him.”

Acts 5: 29-32

Peter and the apostles were arrested by the high priest and his officials, who were Sadducees. However, they were released by an angel who told them, “Go to the Temple and give the people this message of life!”

The high council didn’t like that the apostles were teaching in the Temple and had the arrested again and brought back to stand trial. The High Council reminded the apostles that they were instructed to never teach again, about Jesus.

Then, Peter and the apostles replied with the message in verses 29-32.

The apostles are trying to get it into the council’s thick heads that Jesus is the authority, not them. Jesus is the Almighty Powerful God. The sinners need to repent and be forgiven.

Being at God’s right hand is a very important place to be. I know we get bogged down with the concept of the Trinity. The Triune God. I know it’s confusing for many. The main thing to remember is that God is forgiving and He offers us the chance to accept His forgiveness through Jesus. Jesus is the ultimate Gift. HE is our Savior born through a virgin, Mary. That in and of itself is a miracle.

What will you do with the miracle of Jesus, our Savior, this Christmas? Me?

You see it right here. I’m doing my best to share HIM with everyone. He’s the light of the world, He’s the bread of life.

Your turn! GO!


Dear Abba Yah, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, I lift the readers of this blog up to YOU and pray they seek You and find peace and love in You, as well as, forgiveness. Thank You, Almighty Yah, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Sin Destroyed

He looked at me and said,”Let’s have some fun.” I was a little skeptical and reluctant knowing his idea of fun. But, I said, “OK!” We hopped into his very fast car. He mapped out where we were going. We jumped on the freeway and headed northeast. He punched it! My head banged against the seat headrest and I felt glued there for what seemed like an Eternity. He slowed to take the exit to the curvy, twisting, and winding road.

At some point, I stated that he was breaking the law. He said, “So!” And went a little faster.

The only way I could get him to slow down was to let him know it was making me car sick. It was! My head was spinning and my stomach felt like it was in my throat.

The first five books of the Bible form the foundation of our faith. They show how Yahweh first began dealing with fallen man, and they trace right to Calvary.

Paul purposely points out that the old Law was a failure. This wasn’t because of any fault on Yahweh’s part, but because man is determined on breaking it.

Our only hope to be reconciled with Yahweh is through the supreme sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ.

By reading these books of the Law, we obviously see how impossible it is for man to live righteously.

We can take delight because what was once a fleeting dream is now a living reality through Christ, our Lord.

What is your situation with regard to the bents in your life? We all have them. Even me. My bent is that I talk too much, so I’ve been told! In talking I have an attitude. Thank Jesus for His gift of Salvation to us!

Comment and let’s chat! Share!

Believer’s Elegance and Honor

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Christ is with us in His Spirit.

Believers being made right through the Salvation of Christ makes her beautiful with spiritual grace, even though her thoughts and actions aren’t always pure, she shows a heart that’s being fed by and growing in the Word of Yahweh.

How awesome is that? Yahweh thinks we (believers) are beautiful even when we mess up, because of Christ’s salvation to wash us clean. The Savior, Christ, is our Mediator and Comforter.

Comment your experience with Christ as your Savior, Mediator, and Comforter. How has it shown up in your life?

To read all of chapter 4 text you can go here. It’s not long. It’s the embellished version of v. 7.

Out of the Wilderness

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Wow! What a visual. Read the full text of scripture here. It includes 3 more verses that say more about Solomon, his bodyguards, and his carriage.

Here’s an example of the carriage:

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This obviously isn’t exactly like King Solomon’s. However, this is the style scripture speaks of. In India, it is called: a palanquin.

Now, today’s word:

The wilderness is symbolic of the world; the believer emerges from it when he is freed from the love of its sinful desires and amusement, and objects to its rules and ways, to search for joy in fellowship with the Saviour, Jesus. A poor soul will spring up, at last, under the direction of the Yahweh; like a fog of incense rising up from the altar or the smoke of the burnt-offerings. This implies sacred and faithful friendship and the soaring of the soul toward heaven.

The believer is filled with the graces of God’s Spirit; his faithfulness is now very excited. These blessings and encouragements are of the divine “Promised Land”. He, who is the Peace of his people, the King of the city of Yahweh, has given safe passage for his redeemed from the wilderness of this world.

The platform, or man-powered carriage, was made for rest and easy transport, but its glamor and elegance showed the quality of its owner. It was very elegant and glamorous. Unlike the image above.

The church is totally guarded; large amounts of people are with her than are against her: believers when they rest in Christ, and with Him, but they have their troubles, are still safe. The carriage here implies the covenant of salvation, the way of our salvation. This is the work of Christ, that makes Him loved and honored in the eyes of believers. It’s created and built, both for the glory of Christ and for the well-being of believers; it is wholly fixed in all things and secure. Salvation is final!

The blood of the covenant, that deep purple, is the cover of this carriage, so the believers are protected from Yahweh’s wrath, and the difficulties of this world, but the heart of it is that the love of Christ that outdoes knowledge, this is for believers to have peace. Christ, in His gospel, reveals himself. The believer must stay in the Word, and be completely obedient to Christ.

Pay particular attention to His crown. Associating this to Christ, it speaks of the honor placed on Him, and His power and authority.

This is most awesome and excellent! Praise You, Jesus, Yahweh, for Your gift of salvation and our Eternal home with You. He loves us without condition! Nothing we’ve done is so bad that He won’t love us. Just come to Him! He’s waiting for you.

Where’s your eternal home? Have you accepted Christ as your savior? Comment and bless others as well as yourself.

Do you need prayer? If so, contact me, now with your request, here. A team of prayer warriors will lift your request to Yahweh.

Fellowship with Christ

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The body of Christ is very pleased to have sweet fellowship with Christ. We hear Him. He runs quickly to meet His followers, the ones who love Him, with His promises. He will return soon with immeasurable loving-kindness.

Christ invites new believers to get up from their lazy ways and pride to come and have fellowship with Him.

All these promising symbols and signs of Divine favor are reasons to our spirit to follow Christ more completely.

What a profound visual of Christ rushing to meet His love, the Body of Christ, the church.

What does your fellowship with Christ look like? Do you anticipate His return? He loves us so much He willingly gave His life to save us so that we are able to fellowship with Him.

Comment and bless others as you bless yourself.