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The Good News – Series, Prt 1

Isa-61_1-3 scripture image

  • What are the details in these verses?
    • I observe in this scripture that Isaiah the prophet is sharing about Yahweh’s Spirit and preaching the “Good News” to the humble. He is sharing that Yahweh sent him to proclaim the Good News of Yahweh and to proclaim Yahweh’s favor and to give them joy and praise that He may be glorified. The Good News is about Jesus coming to save God’s people.
The good news is about the living God overcoming all the powers of the world to establish His rule of justice and peace, on earth as in heaven. N.T. Wright, Simply Good News: Why the Gospel Is News and What Makes It Good
  • What is God’s word saying to me?
    • I find it amazing that Jesus is in and throughout the old testament. Discerning this in my reading will open my heart to God and the Gospel. Taking time from the daily grind and recharging by being in His word and listening to what it is saying will help me to be able to share the gospel with the lost and dead souls. I need to be available and not distracted by the world so that God can use me.

What about you? What do you observe in the scripture above? What do you discern God is saying to you in this scripture?

Prayer: Thank You, Yahweh, for Your word and speaking to me and those who read it. I pray that I and the readers of this will be open to hearing from Your word and helping us to apply what we learn to our lives and to be a vessel for You to reach out to the lost souls to bring them to You through sharing The Good News of the Gospel. I lift up our world leaders and pray that they will be proper leaders and not tyrants terrorizing the citizens. Thank You for Your blessings and promises in Your word. In Jesus’ name, amen.