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The Good News – Series, Prt 2

Mark 38_34-38 scripture image

“They shall not share with Him in His glory then, that were not willing to share with Him in his disgrace now.” Matthew Henry
  • What are the details in these verses?
    • I observe that Jesus is with His disciples and telling them that they must give up their own way, take up their cross [note: whatever is going on that seems to be unbearable life circumstances], and follow Him. If they don’t give it up and follow Him, they’ll lose their life [spiritual death]. For the sake of the “Good News”, they will save their life if they give it up [spiritually alive]. If they lose their soul, what good is having the whole world? If they’re ashamed of Jesus and the message of the “Good News” in these sinful times, Jesus will be ashamed of them when He returns in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.
    • It’s eye-opening to see how life is affected when I’m not following Jesus and not sharing His Good News. When I’m disobedient to Him, my life is in chaos and turmoil. Don’t get me wrong, there are still burdens to bear, but they either make me stronger in faith or weaker. I’d rather not lose my soul to the world. It’s not worth it!
  • How can this be applied in life?
    • I should not be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
    • I need to share the Good News of the Gospel with lost souls.
    • I need to get out of God’s way and stop trying to control everything in my own way and understanding. My way is sorely lacking!
  • What changes need to be made?
    • Read His word more
    • Pray to Him ceasingly
    • Allow the Holy Spirit to pour over me and use me.
  • What actions need to be taken?
    • Share the Good News of the Gospel more
    • Basically, get out of God’s way!
    • Just Do It!

Prayer: Show me the way, God. Remove my blinders and let me see what You want me to see. Shove me out of Your way and use me for Your purpose so that the Good News of the Gospel can be spread to lost souls. Thank You, God. I pray that the readers of this devotional will move out of Your way so You can use them too. For those who are in the way, that is. Thank You, Jesus, for being the Messiah and being the Savior. In Jesus’ name, amen.