Tag Archives: mercy

God of Mercy!


Read the full context here: 1 Samuel 14:38-46

Even when all odds are against me, God still has control. God’s grace and mercy… What an awesome and amazing God we serve!

Even though Jonathan and his armor-bearer were outnumbered God still caused them to have victory in the battle. Even though Jonathan sinned and ate the honey, God saw fit to allow Jonathan to live.

Jonathan trusted God. Do you trust God to help you through tight spots in life’s circumstances? I struggle with this on occasion. I trust God more and more every day.

How does this apply to us today? How can we apply this to our lives today?

Here are my thoughts:

  • Stop getting caught up in all the drama surrounding us.
    • Yes, I know that people do their best to suck us in.
    • Yes, our emotions can run amuck with situations.
    • All these things are choices we make.
    • It’s also about the attitudes we choose.
  • We need to make better choices for our lives to avoid getting sucked into other’s drama.
  • When something involves us, we need to choose to control our emotions.
    • Decisions made out of an emotional situation never end well. Our emotions are fickle. We need to remain calm, clear, and level-headed.
  • We also need to pay close attention to our attitudes.
    • Attitudes toward situations determine the outcome of said situation.
  • Pray over all things and situations all the time.

Dear Abba Yah, Adonai Yeshua, I lift each reader up to You. I ask that You guide their hearts, minds, soul, and spirits in a God-honoring and glorifying way. Show them the direction to take. I lift up the sick, injured, and spiritually hurting, Yahweh. I pray they will find peace of mind and body in You. I pray healing over them, in Jesus’ name. I thank You in advance for hearing and answering this prayer. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Yahweh’s Mercy

Jonah 4:2 image
Jonah is the best known of the Minor Prophets, probably because of the whale tale. Except that the intent of the book is not about the whale but about the unsympathetic prophet. Jonah was a prophet sent to inform a Gentile nation. However, he ran away! Why?

Jonah ran away from Yahweh’s call because he knew what the God of Israel was really like! It’s true, whether or not you agree. Why, if he went and informed those idolatrous Gentiles, Yahweh might save them! To Jonah, they were the enemy. No doubt, Yahweh would not save them!

Because of a second chance, Jonah went, resentfully. And just like Yahweh said would happen, Nineveh repented. Yahweh advised. And Jonah was mad. In v. 11 Yahweh asked, “Shouldn’t I feel sorry for this important city, Nineveh?” Yahweh loves pagan city-dwelling Ninevites.

Do we? Like Jonah, we may know Yahweh is “gracious, merciful, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness.” How are we reflecting His heart toward the hated and violent “Ninevites” in our towns? How are we fulfilling His appeal to go to them and teach His word of repentance and forgiveness?

But wait! How can we fulfill His appeal to us to go to the pagans and teach His word of repentance and forgiveness while we’re like Jonah running away? We need to stop running away and stand up for Yahweh and His Good News of the Gospel.

Who’s with me? Comment and let me know how this looks in your life.

Need prayer? Send a request using the form below:

Long and Strong Mercy

There’s been a lot of theologians with a lot of influence over the years since The Apostle Paul. But, none like Paul.

Throughout Paul’s letters, he summons for downreaching love, pureness of life, and unceasing mercy for the lost. Paul sowed spiritual seed in the far corners of the earth. He contended for the right of Gentiles to hear Christ’s message and become essential for believers in the church. No one questions his reputation for good. Still, the awesome fact is, he was once a murderer! When he found Christ, his life dramatically changed. The inspiring story of Paul serves to remind us that Yahweh’s mercies are long and His love is strong. Thank Yahweh for a saving power that has reached even the likes of us.

Yahweh used Paul in a mighty powerful way for His purpose. He wants to use each of us as well.

What’s holding you back? What lies are Satan telling you?

Contact me privately if it’s something you fear posting public.

Me: I put myself out there. I’ve been ridiculed and yelled at. People will fight tooth and nail against hearing the truth of a Savior! Satan has people fooled. Don’t fall for his lies! I did at one time in my life. But, not anymore!

Forgiveness In Mercy

Matthew 5_5_7 image

At some time in our relationships, all of us do something that we need forgiveness and mercy. The sincerely happy one is one who lives in an attitude of forgiveness, not defending grudges or keeping the error over the head of the faulty one. Denying to give mercy will stop our obtaining mercy. The eternal law of Yahweh shows that we harvest what we sow. When Jesus commands on mercy, He is prohibiting one of the extremely toxic emotions anyone can ever have. Bitterness can destroy not only a relationship but also a soul. The Bible cautions us to beware of the fatal power of bitterness: Be careful that no one fails to receive Yahweh’s grace and begins to cause trouble between you. A person like that can ruin many of you (Hebrews 12:15). Bitterness does two things: it disturbs us, and it dishonors others.

Our unwillingness to forgive anyone will kill our relationships. It will give us high blood pressure, ulcers, colitis, and it will make our children angry and rebellious. We clearly cannot afford the indulgence of keeping grudges. We need to love and forgive or we die.

We night feel that we are the one who always forgives. This is a situation that bothered the disciples, too: Then Peter came to Him and said, “Lord, when my fellow believer sins against me, how many times must I forgive him? Should I forgive him as many as seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, you must forgive him more than seven times. You must forgive him even if he wrongs you seventy times seven (Matthew 18:21-22). The words of Christ are not always easy to live by, but they need to be followed.

Note: I experienced many years of abuse [many types]. I held onto that and felt animosity toward my abusers. At some point along the way with Yahweh’s help, I let it go and forgave all of them. That’s when the healing began. It’s taken more than 15 years to for this healing process to work itself out. I can finally see light at then end of the tunnel. You can too.

Describe what holding a grudge has done to you and your relationships. Comment your experience. And, we’ve “all” experienced this at some point in our lives.

Describe what releasing the grudge has done for you and your relationships. Comment your experience. If you haven’t yet, why not?

Do you need prayer? Contact me here for prayer. I have a prayer team waiting to pray for you.

Only One!

Song of Songs 6_9-10 image

All the real greatness and godliness on earth focus inside the church/the body of Christ.

Christ goes out defeating His enemies, while His followers achieve victories over the world, the flesh, and satan. He shows the care of a Redeemer, the joy He gives in his redeemed people, and the accomplishment of His own forgiveness in them.

Read today’s full scripture here.

True believers, singly, can have the character of holiness. And when their real nature is recognized, it will be accepted. Both the church and believers, at their initial conversion, look ahead as the morning, their light being tiny, but growing.

As to their anointing, they are bright as the moon, receiving all their light, mercy, and grace from Christ; and as to justification, pure as the sun, robed with Christ, the Son of righteousness, and fighting the good fight of faith, under the flag of Christ, opposing all spiritual rivals.

Most flaborious {fabulous & glorious, I made up this word… ;-)}!!!
It’s flamazing {another of my made up word for, fabulous & amazing}!!! I love this word picture created. As you read picture it! Stunning! Yahweh is amazingly stunning and awesomely magnificent. Don’t you agree?

Comment your experience with Yahweh. How does He impact your life?

Me: I’m continually blown away by how awesome and amazing Yahweh is. He never ceases to amaze me daily. He wakes me with His glorious Holy Spirit giving me life. He presents Himself to me in everything I see and do. For example, the sun rising; sun setting, the flowers, the wild creatures that scamper and fly about, the rain, it gives life to everything, the great smells and everything living.

An Invitation

Song of Songs 5:1 image

Notice how prompt Christ is to receive the calls of His people.

Any tiny bit of good we have in us would be wasted if he didn’t protect it.

He also invites his dearly loved people to eat and drink freely.

The commands that they obey reverently of Him, are the way of grace, mercy, and love.

As today is Valentine’s Day, let’s show our love to everyone and Christ, not only because of His gift of Salvation but, because he cares for each one of us. His grace, mercy, and love overflow with no end, for us.

How are you celebrating Valentine’s Day? Comment your experience.

Me: Yesterday, the 13th, was our 18th wedding anniversary. We celebrated that and Valentine’s at the same time. We had dinner and went a movie together. We don’t do that often. It was very nice to spend that time together.

Now, it’s your turn!

Prayers and Promises

Psalm_115-1 image

Because of His grace and truth, to HIS great name, we give glory.

There’s more than meets the eye in this verse. Here’s what I found in my research:

Because God promised to deliver them, not for their sakes, but for his Name, (Isaiah 48:11 – I do this for myself, for my own sake. I will not let people speak evil against me, and I will not let some god take my glory.), therefore they connect their prayer on this promise.

Let no opinion of our own merits have any place in our prayers or in our praises. All the good we do, is done by the power of his grace; and all the good we have, is the gift of his mere mercy, and he must have all the praise. Are we in pursuit of any mercy, and wrestling with God for it, we must take encouragement in prayer from God only.
Matthew Henry

How is His grace and mercy blessing you right now? Comment and let me know. Let’s bless others as we’re blessed in where we are right now.

Me? I personally have to really work at focusing on Adonai. Because life is the way it is around the world right now and being pressed from all sides, it’s easy to get distracted and forget Yahweh’s grace and mercy. I find myself withdrawing from the world and drawing closer to HIM. He is my comfort, my protector, my all!

Let’s interact, leave a comment.



Sadly, grief is part of the human experience. Loss is part of life, and grief is a natural response to loss. But we have the hope of Christ, and we know that He is strong enough to carry our burdens (Matthew 11:30). We can give our hurt to Him because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). We can find solace in the Holy Spirit, our Comforter and Paraclete (John 14:16). In grief, we cast our burdens on Him, rely on the community of the church, delve into the truth of the Word, and ultimately experience hope (Hebrews 6:19-20).

So, mourn and grieve. It’s healthy to a point.

At the moment, my husband and I grieve. We grieve the loss of our beloved furbaby. Today’s a new day. The Sun beamed very brilliant orange in its rising. No, I didn’t grab the camera to capture it. It was behind buildings and trees. It glowed around about. It was like our furbaby was radiating her love and smile in that sunrise!

Praise You, Yahweh for Your comfort and compassion, mercy and grace to get us through.

Are you grieving loss? If so, surrender it to Yahweh. He’ll comfort you and carry you through to the other side of the grief. I trust Him.

Comment and let us know so we can pray for you.