Tag Archives: song of songs

Mutual Love Podcast

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Christ’s love for us shows mutual Love for us.
The transcript is here.

You can also listen from the podbean podcast blog for Trinity Tidbit below:

Christ’s Love Affair (2) Podcast

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Listen in on Podbean if you wish.

Revelation Song Praise/Worship Video I sang the words in the podcast audio:

Text Transcript is here.

Christ’s Love Podcast

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/\ Click the play to listen.

The text transcript is here. <=== Readable version.

You can also go to podbean and listen:

Conquerors Through Christ

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The believers pray for the unbelievers, who before didn’t have the word of Yahweh or the measure of grace. The ones who are lead to Christ themselves must plan what they will do to prompt other unbelievers to Him. Infants in Christ are continually seen with Christians, and the health of their defenseless brothers is a matter of regular prayer with the mature believers.

If the start of this work were compared to a wall built in Him the beloved Foundation and Cornerstone, then the Christian church desires to become like a mansion for the great King, built on a firm foundation.

If the initial education of the gospel were like the building a door within the wall of a barrier, that door needs to be stable, while cased with beams of strong cedar.

She will be thoughtfully and adequately guarded, surrounded then essentially to experience no harm. The church is abounding with concern for the ones still not called. Christ says I will do all that is needed to be done for them.

Observing with whatever contentedness we must look back on the moments and seasons when we were in His eyes like the ones that earn approval.

Our hearts are our vineyards, that we need to hold onto with all consideration. To Christ, and to His love, all our results need to be fully devoted. Everyone who works for Christ works for themselves and must be an incredible conqueror from it.

Are you workers with Christ? Are you a conqueror through Christ? You benefit from it.

Comment your experience as a conqueror through Christ. I’d like to know.

Me: Check out my story here.

Her Beauty Comes From Him!

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The similarities here are uniquely different than what they were previously, and in the beginning, relate to magnificent and elegant raiment. Such esteem is all His saints; and are clothed with Christ, they are marked by their elegance and radiantly beautiful garments.

They make the teachings of Yahweh their Saviour more pleasing in everything. Steadfast believers pay tribute to Christ, exhort the gospel, and persuade and revive sinners.

Read today’s full scripture text here.

The church compares to the grand and extending palm; during her love for Christ, and the obedience came about accordingly, are a cherished fruit of the true Vine. The King is maintained in the chambers.

Christ takes pleasure in the gatherings and commands of His people; and cherishes the fruit of His grace in them.

When applied to the church and to each faithful Christian, all this symbolizes that grace of holiness, in which they’ll be given to their divine Bridegroom.

The church’s beauty is from Christ! When we are obedient and allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through us, for His purpose, our beauty shines through. It greatly pleases Him. In doing so, we’re blessed.

Comment how you’re blessed in your obedience to Christ.

Me: Well, we know that nobody is perfect in this fleshly vessel. We all stumble, even I. However, that being said; I do my very best to be obedient to Christ’s call on my life. I stumble along the way, but, He catches me and helps me keep going. Your turn!

Only One!

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All the real greatness and godliness on earth focus inside the church/the body of Christ.

Christ goes out defeating His enemies, while His followers achieve victories over the world, the flesh, and satan. He shows the care of a Redeemer, the joy He gives in his redeemed people, and the accomplishment of His own forgiveness in them.

Read today’s full scripture here.

True believers, singly, can have the character of holiness. And when their real nature is recognized, it will be accepted. Both the church and believers, at their initial conversion, look ahead as the morning, their light being tiny, but growing.

As to their anointing, they are bright as the moon, receiving all their light, mercy, and grace from Christ; and as to justification, pure as the sun, robed with Christ, the Son of righteousness, and fighting the good fight of faith, under the flag of Christ, opposing all spiritual rivals.

Most flaborious {fabulous & glorious, I made up this word… ;-)}!!!
It’s flamazing {another of my made up word for, fabulous & amazing}!!! I love this word picture created. As you read picture it! Stunning! Yahweh is amazingly stunning and awesomely magnificent. Don’t you agree?

Comment your experience with Yahweh. How does He impact your life?

Me: I’m continually blown away by how awesome and amazing Yahweh is. He never ceases to amaze me daily. He wakes me with His glorious Holy Spirit giving me life. He presents Himself to me in everything I see and do. For example, the sun rising; sun setting, the flowers, the wild creatures that scamper and fly about, the rain, it gives life to everything, the great smells and everything living.

Supreme Majesty

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Even those who only have a slight familiarity with Christ can’t help but see gracious virtue in others who are an example of His image.

There is satisfaction for those who begin to study about Christ and His virtue.

Christians, who are fully informed of Christ, must do everything they can to bring others into the knowledge of Him.

Supreme majesty makes Him absolutely beautiful in the eyes of all who are trained to recognize holy things.

He is white with the pure honesty of His life, reflected in the painful suffering he went through at his death.

This story of the person of the Beloved, would produce, in the symbolic language of those times, a representation of loveliness of character and the dignity of behavior; but the appositeness of some of the references may not be apparent to us.

He wants to appear to be magnified in his saints and to be honored in all that believe in Him. May His love force us to live under his sovereignty.

How does your character bear Yahweh’s image? He suffered, died, and is now alive so that we may love all and spread His Good News to all we come in contact with. He is our Supreme Majesty! He is mind-blowingly awesome!

Comment with your story and bless others as you bless yourself.

Believers Aggravate Christ

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Churches and believers, by carelessness and self-reliance, aggravate Christ to go away.

We must notice our spiritual inactivity and deranged circumstances. Christ knocks to rouse us, knocks by His word and Spirit, knocks by difficulties and by our moral principles; hence, Revelation 3:20. See full scripture text for today’s word here.

When we are inattentive of Christ, he still thinks of us. Christ’s love to us should draw our love to His, even in the most unselfish situations; and we can only be victors by doing so.

Reckless souls insult Jesus Christ. No other could be given to open the door. Christ cries out to us, but we are not mindful or pretend we’re weak, or we’re too busy and think we are honestly justified.

Making justifications is making Christ insignificant. The one’s who put dishonor on Christ, who can’t find it in their hearts to bear a heavy storm, or to leave their comfort zone for Him.

Notice the powerful importance of Divine grace. He unlocks the door, as one tired of remaining. This indicates a job of the Holy Spirit on our soul.

The believers rising above their own will, asking by prayer for the sympathies of Christ, and to shed off every obstacle to having fellowship with Him; these depictions of the soul are expressed by the hands dropping sweet-smelling myrrh on the handles of the locks. But the Dearly Loved was gone! By removing Himself, Christ teaches His people to value His loving and gracious visits more deeply.

Note, the soul still cries out to Christ the Dearly Loved One. Every rejection is not hopelessness.

Lord, I believe, although I must say, Lord, help my unbelief. His words forgave me, except, the hateful person that I was, I made up reasons.

When Yahweh opens our eyes, though, the suffocating and despair of judgments will be very harsh to imagine and take in.

The soul went in pursuit of Him. The guards injured me. Some attribute this to those who distort the Word for their crazy beliefs.

The speech to the daughters of Jerusalem appears to mean the troubled believer’s hope of the prayers of the weakest Christian.

Souls on fire for Christ are more tolerant of Christ’s leaving than of any other circumstances.

Is your soul on fire for Christ? If so, share how He is working in your life and bless others as well as yourself. Comment and let me know.

For those who’s souls are in despair and in need of prayer, contact me for prayer here.

An Invitation

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Notice how prompt Christ is to receive the calls of His people.

Any tiny bit of good we have in us would be wasted if he didn’t protect it.

He also invites his dearly loved people to eat and drink freely.

The commands that they obey reverently of Him, are the way of grace, mercy, and love.

As today is Valentine’s Day, let’s show our love to everyone and Christ, not only because of His gift of Salvation but, because he cares for each one of us. His grace, mercy, and love overflow with no end, for us.

How are you celebrating Valentine’s Day? Comment your experience.

Me: Yesterday, the 13th, was our 18th wedding anniversary. We celebrated that and Valentine’s at the same time. We had dinner and went a movie together. We don’t do that often. It was very nice to spend that time together.

Now, it’s your turn!

Believer’s Elegance and Honor

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Christ is with us in His Spirit.

Believers being made right through the Salvation of Christ makes her beautiful with spiritual grace, even though her thoughts and actions aren’t always pure, she shows a heart that’s being fed by and growing in the Word of Yahweh.

How awesome is that? Yahweh thinks we (believers) are beautiful even when we mess up, because of Christ’s salvation to wash us clean. The Savior, Christ, is our Mediator and Comforter.

Comment your experience with Christ as your Savior, Mediator, and Comforter. How has it shown up in your life?

To read all of chapter 4 text you can go here. It’s not long. It’s the embellished version of v. 7.