The name Jesus is honored above all other names. When we hear it we should kneel in heaven and on earth and confess to the glory of God, the Father, that Jesus Christ is Lord. Hallelujah, amen!
Tag Archives: 25adventscripture
Jesus Birth Story
This is such a long story spread out over the Gospel because it’s told from the perspective of 3 apostles. I decided to share it in gallery form with the scripture images.
I’m not going to share a whole lot because I want you to allow the Holy Spirit to wash over you as you read these scriptures. Allow His word to sink in. Allow it to fill you to overflowing with blessings and love. Share it if you like. Bless others with it.
I’ll post one more like this to end this Advent Series.
God’s blessings upon all of you!
Joseph & Mary Lost Jesus

41 Every year Jesus’ parents would go to Jerusalem for the Passover festival. 42 When he was 12 years old, they went as usual.43 When the festival was over, they left for home. The boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but his parents didn’t know it. 44 They thought that he was with the others who were traveling with them. After traveling for a day, they started to look for him among their relatives and friends. 45 When they didn’t find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him.
46 Three days later, they found him in the temple courtyard. He was sitting among the teachers, listening to them, and asking them questions. 47 His understanding and his answers stunned everyone who heard him. 48 When his parents saw him, they were shocked. His mother asked him, “Son, why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been worried sick looking for you!” 49 Jesus said to them, “Why were you looking for me? Didn’t you realize that I had to be in my Father’s house?” 50 But they didn’t understand what he meant. 51 Then he returned with them to Nazareth and was obedient to them.
Luke 2:41-51
Passover festival time again. Jesus was 12 years old now. He and his family went to take part in the festival as they did every year.
Imagine now, if you will, attending a festival with your children/child. Everything was going great. Now, it’s time to go home. Jesus had his own agenda. He didn’t tell his parents what he was doing. Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. When they didn’t see him in their entourage they just assumed he was hanging back with other travelers. When a day passed and they didn’t see Jesus in their group they started to worry and began looking for him. Now, I picture here, according to today’s society, the police have been called in and a huge search party was sent out looking. The parents stay home next to the phone waiting for any news of their missing child. Well, back then, they didn’t have the resources we do today. Imagine the scare of their life upon them. Their child is missing. They lost him. Total freak out ensues. I know how I’ve felt when I couldn’t locate my daughter on occasion.
Three days later, his parents found him in the temple courtyard. He was with the teachers, listening and questioning them. Jesus stunned everyone with his understanding and his answers. His parents saw him and were shocked to find him there. Mary asked Jesus, “Son, why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been worried sick looking for you!” in verse 48. Jesus said to them, “Why were you looking for me? Didn’t you realize that I had to be in my Father’s house?” in verse 49. He didn’t see what the issue was. He assumed they would know. They didn’t understand what he meant. So, they returned home. He was obedient to his parents. The kids today aren’t so obedient. They kick up quite a fuss.
This is a great lesson in communication and obedience. I believe we could all learn from this. What are your thoughts? Please share.
Thank You, Jesus, for Your guidance and obedience to Your Heavenly Father. Teach us to be obedient and to communicate. Thank You, for everything You said, still say (in Your word) to lead, guide, and direct our lives to You. I pray the readers of this blog will look to You for this leadership, guidance, and direction that leads to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Anna Met Jesus

Anna… She’s an elderly woman who is widowed and a prophet for God; who also lives in the Temple. Scripture says she was very old and that she lived to the age of eighty-four (84). I guess in those days 84 would’ve been very old. Today, very old is more in the range of 100. My goodness, how times change. Scripture also tells that she never left the Temple; that she stayed there day and night, worshiping God. That afforded her the chance of meeting lots of people. She happened to come along when Simeon was talking to Mary & Joseph (more details of this in the previous post.) Anna was so excited about meeting Jesus that she shared the Good News of Jesus with everyone who had been waiting expectantly for the Messiah; so they could be rescued. Also, Jesus was filled with wisdom and God’s favor was on him.
Exciting indeed! I’d tell everyone too. This was a very long-awaited event to take place, the Messiah arriving. Though, no everyone knew he would arrive in this manner. It came as a great surprise to many.
Can you imagine, as a parent, having this experience with your child? I’d be beside myself and not know what to do, or be afraid I’d do something wrong in raising him. Or, all the different folks who encountered Jesus during this time after he was born; can you imagine what life would be like? What are your thoughts?
Thank You, Abba Yah, for giving us this gift of Jesus, the Messiah, to save us. It’s the ultimate gift of love. Love = Action, right? This is an amazingly awesome act of love. I pray that all the readers of this blog accept the gift of Jesus, A Savior. I pray in Jesus’ name, amen.
Birth Announcement of Jesus Given to Shepherds

The fullness of time had come, when God would send forward His Son, made of a woman, and made under the law; and it was predicted that he would be born at Bethlehem. Now, here is an account of the time, place, and shape of it.
God chose to announce Jesus’ arrival to the Shepherds because they were plain men, like Jacob, Moses, and David; and by this occasion, God showed that He still had favor for those of that kind of modest job. In my opinion, the chief priests weren’t ready to hear this kind of news. The shepherds were more open-minded to hear about this and were unencumbered by a ritualistic lifestyle as the holy men.
The angel of the Lord frightened the shepherds. Understandably so. I would be frightened to be approached in this way as well. Who knows, I could faint from the experience, likely. Throughout scripture people who were approached by angels fell on their faces in fear. The angel always had to say, “Do not be afraid” to calm them and have them be able to hear the message.
But, new of Jesus’ birth. The long-awaited savior. Wowza! What an exciting time!
I think that God can use people for His plan no matter how low or high up the ladder you are in society. He wants to reach every living soul.
God’s great plan is amazing and incomprehensible to me. It’s so behind my mind. I do know that He wants a relationship with each of us. Without a savior, God can not have a relationship with us. Why? Because we are sinners. We needed a savior to obtain forgiveness of sin. God can not be in the presence of sin. It’s evil and he can not deal with evil. He’s the opposite of evil. It’s like oil and water. They do not mix. They naturally separate.
Are you separated from God? Through Jesus, the Savior, you can be joined with God. You can have the most amazing relationship ever with God. If you want to contact me (click the link to open the contact page =~>) here. I’ll pray with you and share the Gospel to guide you leading you to God.
So, the Savior, Jesus! What do you think? Imagine yourself as a shepherd and the experience. What do you think it would be like? How would you be affected?
Thank You, Yahweh. I praise, honor, glorify, and adore You. I pray that the readers of this blog also thank You. I pray they see You for who You are, for what You’ve done for them, and how much You love them and want a relationship with them. Thank You for the gift of salvation through a savior, Jesus. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Zechariah Speaks

The moments after Zechariah’s voice returned his excitement was such that he sang a prophecy. A prophecy of the Messiah and what John’s purpose would be as the forerunner of the Messiah. All who are filled with the Holy Spirit as Zechariah was should also express this kind of excitement to share the gospel.
“In sending the Messiah, God has made a gracious visit to his people. He has worked out redemption for them: He has redeemed his people. He has fulfilled the covenant of royalty made with the most famous Old-Testament prince, that is, David. He has fulfilled all the precious promises made to the church by the most famous Old-Testament prophets: As he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets. God is now doing that which he has long ago spoken of. Sending the Messiah.” [quoted by Matthew Henry].
Such an amazing and wonderous event. John will grow up and be Jesus’ forerunner to prepare the way and prepare the people of His coming.
We are all to be His disciples. He calls us to be His workers planting the seed and cultivating leading people to God for the harvest.
I struggle with this. However, I do what I can. It seems like a daunting task. Although, with the Holy Spirit, it can be done. As the body of Christ, we work as one team to accomplish this. We don’t have to go it alone.
How is God using you for His great plan? What would you do if you were visited in person by God? I’d probably faint.
Dear Yahweh, I pray that we are willing and ready to be used by You for Your purpose in spreading the Gospel. It’s four our own good. Thank You for the gift of salvation through the Messiah, the greatest gift known to man. I pray the readers of this blog seek You and will surrender all to you, as I have. In Jesus’ name, amen.
A Birth Party
A celebration. Elizabeth’s baby was born. The whole region heard of it. They all came to celebrate with Elizabeth and Zechariah. They were very happy for Zechariah and Elizabeth. God had shown mercy to her. She was in her old age by now. She was barren.
As is the custom in most families to name a baby after a family member. If you recall, Zechariah and Elizabeth were told by the angel, Gabriel, to name the newborn John. The people were shocked when Elizabeth said, “No” when they suggested that she name the baby after relatives. They turned to Zechariah. Because God had muted him until the baby’s birth, Zechariah couldn’t speak so, he asked for a writing tablet. He also said the baby’s name is to be John. Instantly, Zechariah spoke again. Only God can do that.
Everyone around wondered what John will turn out to be. We know the hand of the Lord was on him. We read in previous scripture that the Holy Spirit came into him while he was in Elizabeth’s womb. That’s mindblowing to me.
He is the forerunner of Jesus to prepare the way for Jesus’ ministry.
How amazing and awesome this is. I love how God’s word shows me something new each time I read His word. It’s humbling. It shows how powerful God is and that He uses every situation for His plan. He can use any one of us for a great purpose.
What does this scripture speak to you?
Dear Yahweh, Adonai, praise YOU for this wonderful story and lesson of how You work in our lives. I pray that it blesses the readers of this blog. I pray that the lost will be lead to You. Thank You, In Jesus’ name, amen.
The Magnificat: Mary’s Song of Praise
Instead of the written out scripture I’ve provided it in song. Take a listen.
You can read it here. <~== Click to open a new page for the scripture to read it.
Here’s Mary; just arriving at her cousin’s place. Instead of being exhausted from her 2 or 3 days journey, she is excited and sings a song of praise.
There are some speculations as to what the lyrics refer to. However, I believe they refer to past prophecy being fulfilled leading up to this moment in time. It’s referring to our Saviour, the Messiah, Jesus. I trust the word of God over bickering theologians trying to assert their authority.
Like Mary, I’d exert excitement as well. I’d be humbled; especially that I would’ve been chosen to carry and give birth to the Lord in human form to fulfill what had been taught over the generations about a messiah coming to save us all.
Mary was also filled with the Holy Spirit. God is using her, as well as Elizabeth, as part of the narrative of the coming Messiah, Jesus. The Saviour of the world. God uses each of you for His great plan.
Isn’t that exciting? What are your thoughts on this? What does this scripture and story say to you? Me? I shared in the above, previous paragraphs. God is so amazing.
Dear Heavenly Abba Yah, I lift up each of the readers of this blog. I pray that they will be blessed and recognize You in their day to day lives. I pray that they accept the gift You’ve given us, Jesus, the Messiah. I thank You for Your workings in and through our lives, every day. In Jesus’ name, amen.
A Hurried Visit

This is an amazing piece of scripture. Why?
- Mary’s conceived with the Messiah.
- Elizabeth is pregnant with the forerunner of the Messiah.
- Elizabeth is immediately filled with the Holy Spirit upon greeting Mary.
- The joy both women and baby expressed at the greeting of the two women.
I mean, this is astoundingly amazing. There is so much in this. It’s obvious the Holy Spirit is at work here. Why?
- Elizabeth has no forewarning of Mary’s visit and that Mary would be pregnant, no less with the Messiah.
- The only way Elizabeth’s baby (John) would know of Mary’s pregnancy would be by the Holy Spirit.
- Mary made this long journey to see her cousin, Elizabeth. Not sure about the reason. There’s a lot of speculation about why Mary visited Elizabeth. Some theologians say it could’ve been
- …to be with someone who would listen and be understanding of Mary’s situation.
- …because she was to conceive of the Messiah in the country of the line of David.
- …because Elizabeth was Mary’s favorite relative and she felt more comfortable with Elizabeth.
- …because of the embarrassment she felt from the people in the place she lived.
No matter the reason. The whole point is that the Holy Spirit moved in Elizabeth upon their greeting. The baby, John, within Elizabeth knew that the Messiah was within Mary. Only the Holy Spirit can do this. And the way John lept in Elizabeth’s womb was not just the baby moving around like a normal baby in the womb moves. That’s mind-blowing to me.
Just like I mentioned previously in the post about Elizabeth, the Messiah/the Holy Spirit is everywhere all the time at once. I’m gobsmacked at this. It’s so amazingly awesome!
These kinds of signs are unmistakable. Only God can do this. Having this kind of tangible evidence is undeniably God.
Don’t be dismayed, however. God uses each of us to fulfill His purpose. We all have a place in His plan. Don’t give up.
What are your thoughts on this occasion with Elizabeth and Mary?
For further reading go to a more detailed post here.
Dear Adonai, Abba Yah, Holy Spirit, YOU are beyond comprehensible to understand. YOU are amazing and awesome. Thank YOU, Yah, for this awesome and amazing gift of a Saviour. I lift up the readers of this blog and pray that they’re blessed to move and share YOU with everyone they encounter. Thank You, Yah, for using me and others for Your purpose. Thank You for the readers you send here. In Jesus’ precious and holy name, amen.
Mary’s Shocking News

I posted 2 years ago about Mary in great detail. To get a better grip on Mary in this life stage, read/listen to the post here.
We heard about Elizabeth in a previous blog post. The same angel that visited Elizabeth, Gabriel, now visits Mary. The shocking news had Mary in a quandary about the whole situation.
It’s time for the Savior of the world to come as a man and live out His earthly ministry. We heard in and throughout the Old Testament about a Savior, the Messiah, coming to save us. He’s the long-awaited messiah.
Poor lowly Mary is only a teenager. However, she’s been promised to Joseph in marriage. His betrothed. Neither of which has had intimate relations. Virgins. Mary being a virgin is a main factor of God having favor with her. She’s a good Jewish girl.
She was dumbfounded at the concept of becoming pregnant since she is a virgin.
You read the interaction between Gabriel and Mary in the scripture. Gabriel tells Mary that she’ll conceive of the Holy Spirit. In v. 35 it says this:
The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the baby to be born will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God.
Luke 1:26-38
Mary couldn’t argue with that. She accepted it. But, she added this at the end of their interaction in v. 38:
“I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” And then the angel left her.
Mary had some doubts. Who wouldn’t? That’s a pretty major thing; become pregnant while still a virgin. I’m sure she also had major concerns being not fully married to Joseph, yet.
How would you feel if it were you going through that situation? What would be going through your mind?
It’s scary, to say the least. In those times, they stoned/crucified people for offenses. Betraying a spouse to be… that’s infidelity. They didn’t take that very lightly. Read the Bible for yourself and see. Don’t take my word for it. It’s all there in black and white.
So, the big news… The Messiah is coming! That’s exciting! Joyous! How does that make you feel? Me?
If I lived in that time where I could encounter Jesus in person… I’d fall face down at His feet honoring, praising, and worshipping Him.

But, before he’s grown I’d try to find a way to get to Him to meet him in person. I’d definitely be one of the women who followed Jesus throughout his ministry. The ones who experienced things just out of arms reach of everything.
Your turn! Go!
Dear Abba Yah, Adonai, I lift up every reader, even the brief visitors, of this blog. I pray that even if just one sentence, or one word, is written that the reader will be so blessed that they don’t want to leave Your word and Your presence. I pray they are blessed beyond measure and their needs are met. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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