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Always Joyful|Praying|Thankful: God’s Will

The Lesson

Luke 16:9-13 <=== Click to open and read more.

David’s Song

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I love the Psalms. I love this book because of the pureness of the relationship, with God, David has. We should all yearn to be in this kind of relationship with God. David expresses his joy in singing these words to God. David praises and worships God uninhibited. I want this kind of relationship with God. I lack. I get busy with life and forget to talk to God. We all do. We do it with our human relationships too. We have so much going on in our heads. So much noise in there. We need to turn it off if just for a few moments and listen to God. Also, in our hearts. Allow the Holy Spirit to wash over you; reverse our hearts of stone making them soft for Him. How does this look for you?

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Ahaz’s Sign of the Messiah


Ahaz was threatened. He was assured the attack was fruitless. Then, God gives Ahaz a reliably certain sign by the promise of the long-expected Messiah.

God keeps His promises. God is trustworthy! We need to trust Him in what He says. We also need to learn to be patient.

But, wow, can you imagine receiving a message like that? The Messiah is coming! Hallelujah!

I would’ve been mind blown! My jaw would drop to the ground! I would’ve gone bonkers with excitement. I probably wouldn’t be able to sleep!

How would you react and feel if you were Ahaz and been told that news?

1 of 25 of Advent Scripture.

#Advent #Christmas #Messiah


Dear Abba YAH, I lift up the reader of this blog and pray that it blesses them and causes the lost to reach out to You and be found because of this amazing Messiah message! In Jesus’ precious and holy name, amen!


Today’s Word is quoted from the Celebrate Daily Devotion. I felt its message was too strong not to share it.

The word “propitiation” is a difficult term, meaning “to appease wrath.” Man in his sin cannot approach a God of justice who must judge sin. God’s justice can be appeased only by the punishment of sin. But God in His love desires fellowship with man whom He created in His image. 

Fellowship with a holy God could only be realized through atoning for the sins that separated mankind from God and His covenant promises. So God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for atonement or reconciliation with separated mankind. It is the shed blood of Christ that ultimately satisfied the requirements of God’s justice. God’s judgment was fully put upon Christ, the blameless sacrifice, for all sin both past and present. And it is only through faith in the blood of Christ that mankind is justified in God’s eyes. The blood of Christ then becomes the bond that joins people to God, entitling them to God’s covenant provisions and providing right relationship with Him. 

The blood of Christ guarantees our standing as children of the holy God!

Comment and share how Jesus saved you.

Praise and worship Yahweh and let the Holy Spirit wash through and fill you to overflowing.

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