Wow! What a visual. Read the full text of scripture here. It includes 3 more verses that say more about Solomon, his bodyguards, and his carriage.
Here’s an example of the carriage:

Now, today’s word:
The wilderness is symbolic of the world; the believer emerges from it when he is freed from the love of its sinful desires and amusement, and objects to its rules and ways, to search for joy in fellowship with the Saviour, Jesus. A poor soul will spring up, at last, under the direction of the Yahweh; like a fog of incense rising up from the altar or the smoke of the burnt-offerings. This implies sacred and faithful friendship and the soaring of the soul toward heaven.
The believer is filled with the graces of God’s Spirit; his faithfulness is now very excited. These blessings and encouragements are of the divine “Promised Land”. He, who is the Peace of his people, the King of the city of Yahweh, has given safe passage for his redeemed from the wilderness of this world.
The platform, or man-powered carriage, was made for rest and easy transport, but its glamor and elegance showed the quality of its owner. It was very elegant and glamorous. Unlike the image above.
The church is totally guarded; large amounts of people are with her than are against her: believers when they rest in Christ, and with Him, but they have their troubles, are still safe. The carriage here implies the covenant of salvation, the way of our salvation. This is the work of Christ, that makes Him loved and honored in the eyes of believers. It’s created and built, both for the glory of Christ and for the well-being of believers; it is wholly fixed in all things and secure. Salvation is final!
The blood of the covenant, that deep purple, is the cover of this carriage, so the believers are protected from Yahweh’s wrath, and the difficulties of this world, but the heart of it is that the love of Christ that outdoes knowledge, this is for believers to have peace. Christ, in His gospel, reveals himself. The believer must stay in the Word, and be completely obedient to Christ.
Pay particular attention to His crown. Associating this to Christ, it speaks of the honor placed on Him, and His power and authority.
This is most awesome and excellent! Praise You, Jesus, Yahweh, for Your gift of salvation and our Eternal home with You. He loves us without condition! Nothing we’ve done is so bad that He won’t love us. Just come to Him! He’s waiting for you.
Where’s your eternal home? Have you accepted Christ as your savior? Comment and bless others as well as yourself.
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